Joining with the prayer of the Sacred Space community in praying for our dead.
Those who teach others to do what is right, shall shine like stars for all eternity.
Daniel 12:3
Together with the others
around the world
who use Sacred Space
I raise my prayer to you, O God.
These people who pray with me
are a reminder of your great company,
the communion of saints,
that lives to give you glory and honour.
As I pray for the departed who were known to me in this life,
I give thanks for their goodness.
I ask also your mercy on all
who have sought you with sincere hearts.
May we bear one another to you,
and remind the world
of the wonders you have done
and still do.
Help us to remember your love for us
and encourage one another
as we pray for those
who have gone before us
into your presence.
Through the intercession
of Blessed Mary.