Chapel of Intentions
Chapel of Rememberances

Initials: BL – Country: US

A “strongest I can manage” vote of THANKS for both miraculous and “ordinary” providence in my personal life. Now that the Lord has vindicated me in so many ways, it seems only right to accept whatever correction HE wishes to give. God who IS LOVE has shown up day after day in the month of July, and shows no intention of abandoning me or my family, friends, neighbors and even enemies, all of whom I’ve learned and am learning to love with the love of the Lord, in the future, near or not-so-near. Saint Ignatius simply “rocks”. His “rules of discernment” have helped me as I study and try to learn how they work in practice. That the Lord may even consider me a “discerning heart” is, I feel, greater riches than all the material wealth this world can offer. THANK YOU LORD JESUS. “JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH, WE LOVE YOU; SAVE SOULS!” is my battle cry.

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