Chapel of Intentions
Chapel of Rememberances

Initials: MM – Country: US

At our 20 week ultrasound, we were offered an abortion because our baby girl had a congenital diaphragmatic hernia. She is our first baby. We are getting care at a pediatric hospital and we are being prepared for her to have surgery soon after delivery. Small things feel like a knife in my heart, like when they told me I won’t get to hold her. My husband has been a rock for us through this and the further along we get I can feel my confidence in the Lord growing. We only go through such great suffering because only then can we personally know the greatness of God’s glory. To truly know, that nothing is impossible for God. We are praying fervently for a miraculous healing. I pray all the doctors will be shaken to see her organs have gone back to where they need to be and she is breathing without need for a ventilator but I surrender everything to whatever God’s will is for us and trust that His plan is greater. My induction date is evening of April 27th. Please keep our baby girl, my dear husband, and myself in your prayers.

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