Chapel of Intentions
Chapel of Rememberances

Initials: AMB-F – Country: US

Thanksgiving to Saint Lucy for helping my eyes. Thanksgiving to our Blessed Mother for all blessings that surround me. I lift my voice in prayer for Fr. JM’s sick family member, and for all those who have written intentions here, especially Pmm and their family — may they have comfort that others really are praying for their intentions, too.
Last I ask humbly that all who see this will pray to Sts. Bartholomew, Matthew, Lucy, Rita, and Jude on my behalf, asking that I not have a fatal neurological diagnosis, and that instead, my sufferings may propel me daily do God’s will in every day. Please, I ask you all, please earnestly pray for that, for my young son’s sake, if not my own. God, you do not relish our suffering. Please spare me, if it be to the greater glory of your name, and the good of my or my family’s souls. But your will not mine be done.

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