Sacred Space - Chapel of Intentions


Published Prayer Intentions

wb from US
In thanks for phase 1 and blessing that phase 2 may be as miraculous. In thanks for phase 1 and blessing that phase 2 may be as miraculous.
Sep 20, 2024
A from IE
Thanksgiving and wisdom Thanksgiving and wisdom
Sep 20, 2024
cam from US
Everything feels up in the air - I haven't heard from my partner in weeks and don't know what he is thinking. Money has been flying out at an alarming rate and my work prospects are severely limited. I am home alone with no one to talk to and the anxiety is making my heart race and my hands tremble and my breath short and sleep hard to come by, as I can't think my way out of my problems and don't know where to turn for help. I am truly scared, waiting for the last shoe to drop. I don't know what God's will is for me in this situation - how I am meant to handle all that has been coming at me. I hope that He still cares for me because all I have is to hope in Him that somehow I will be okay and experience peace again.
Sep 19, 2024
BJ from US
Dear Lord I humbly ask you to protect those that are depressed for whatever reason. I pray that they turn to you and ask for your help. Being the father of a child who attempted to end his life I also pray for not just the healing of the person but for the love ones of the person that suffers from depression. It be can be a heavy burden to carry by them selves.

Your Loving Faithful Servant
BJ Dear Lord I humbly ask you to protect those that are depressed for whatever reason. I pray that they turn to you and ask for your help. Being the father of a child who attempted to end his life I also pray for not just the healing of the person but for the love ones of the person that suffers from depression. It be can be a heavy burden to carry by them selves.

Your Loving Faithful Servant
Sep 19, 2024
KB from US
Dear Jesus please let my test today be free of any disease. In your name all things are possible. Amen Dear Jesus please let my test today be free of any disease. In your name all things are possible. Amen
Sep 19, 2024
GC from IE
Dear Lord I pray for a special intention. Sacred Heart of Jesus I placed all my trust in You. Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us . Amen. Dear Lord I pray for a special intention. Sacred Heart of Jesus I placed all my trust in You. Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us . Amen.
Sep 18, 2024
Ant from GB
Thankyou that the virus B had seems to have gone but now the painful gout in the knee has returns please pray he may be free of these additional symptoms he has to deal with as well as his underlying disease Thankyou that the virus B had seems to have gone but now the painful gout in the knee has returns please pray he may be free of these additional symptoms he has to deal with as well as his underlying disease
Sep 18, 2024
KB from US
Dear Jesus let my test show no disease In my body. In your name all things are possible. Amen Dear Jesus let my test show no disease In my body. In your name all things are possible. Amen
Sep 18, 2024
YO from GB
Dear Lord,
Our merciful Lord,

My sister, GA, is having a second urgent operation in two weeks, today.
May You bless her capacity to endure long and risky operations.
May You bless the capacity of the surgeons to facilitate a healing process to her spine so she can walk again.
May You bless her husband, AA, now back home with their daughter, with Your strength.
May You bless my niece, LA, to feel you closer than ever in her childlike way.
May You bless my other sister, YB, in another country, who accompanies our youngest sister through this ordeal.
Please can You facilitate all our late parents' love, in addition to Your eternal love, to embrace us.
Please hear our prayers.
Sep 18, 2024
MPW from US
For my twin sons D+B that they will return to the practice of their Catholic Faith.
That B is cured of his addictions and kept safe.
That my husband B will convert.
That all my family and Loved ones are kept safe and have the grace of God surrounding them always.
God bless all the participants in this prayer group. For my twin sons D+B that they will return to the practice of their Catholic Faith.
That B is cured of his addictions and kept safe.
That my husband B will convert.
That all my family and Loved ones are kept safe and have the grace of God surrounding them always.
God bless all the participants in this prayer group.
Sep 18, 2024
MZR from ID
Dear Lord, thank you for your helps and guidance until today.
At this moment, I come because we need help to find our true call in life and to never deter from it again. Help us to find the work suitable for us, so that we can also support our family needs, afford a good & proper home, and savings for our future life needs. Please guide us and give us all graces that we need to achieve it. Thank you, Father.
Amen. Dear Lord, thank you for your helps and guidance until today.
At this moment, I come because we need help to find our true call in life and to never deter from it again. Help us to find the work suitable for us, so that we can also support our family needs, afford a good & proper home, and savings for our future life needs. Please guide us and give us all graces that we need to achieve it. Thank you, Father.
Sep 16, 2024
mz from US
That Amendment 3 will be defeated in Missouri and people will become more sensitized to the life of the unborn. That Amendment 3 will be defeated in Missouri and people will become more sensitized to the life of the unborn.
Sep 16, 2024
GB from US
Please pray for D, she is not well and needs our help. Thank you Please pray for D, she is not well and needs our help. Thank you
Sep 16, 2024
BJ from AU
I ask for a permanent place for K to live and for him to know you deep in his heart I ask for a permanent place for K to live and for him to know you deep in his heart
Sep 16, 2024
Ajt from GB
Thankyou that B seems to be improving from this recent setback please continue to pray for him that he will make a full recovery Thankyou that B seems to be improving from this recent setback please continue to pray for him that he will make a full recovery
Sep 15, 2024
Pmm from IE
Dear God, M is out with friends tonight. Protect him and keep him & his friends safe from any harm, physically, morally, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, now, tonight and always. I pray that he won’t drink too much, won’t do drugs or any risky behaviours and I pray that he never ends up incapacitated through his own or someone else’s actions. I pray he is respectful, caring and kind to all he meets and that he is never in the wrong place at the wrong time. Keep him safe Lord and bring him home safe and sound. I also pray that he will pass his driving test on Wednesday. I pray to the Lord. Amen
Sep 15, 2024
GB from US
Please pray for those who need help and guidance today. Please pray for solutions to my current issues.
Thank you Please pray for those who need help and guidance today. Please pray for solutions to my current issues.
Thank you
Sep 14, 2024
C M from GB
Please help E tomorrow in her very important exam.

Amen Please help E tomorrow in her very important exam.

Sep 14, 2024
LP from US
Please pray for my son to get a better and more fulfilling job, perhaps one that leads to a successful career. Thank you from my heart. Please pray for my son to get a better and more fulfilling job, perhaps one that leads to a successful career. Thank you from my heart.
Sep 14, 2024
AJC from US
Restoration of understanding, peace and dialogue in the family. Restoration of understanding, peace and dialogue in the family.
Sep 13, 2024

Showing 81 to 100 of 794 prayer intentions.

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