Sacred Space - Chapel of Intentions


Published Prayer Intentions

mv from US
Thank the Lord for a wonderful week of vacation. Ultrasound showed a suspicious lymph node that will be biopsied in two days. If positive for cancer, it means BV's thyroid cancer has returned.

We are terrified. Please Lord, make it negative. Thank the Lord for a wonderful week of vacation. Ultrasound showed a suspicious lymph node that will be biopsied in two days. If positive for cancer, it means BV's thyroid cancer has returned.

We are terrified. Please Lord, make it negative.
Aug 29, 2024
MCE from US
For a young woman recovering from serious illness and the sudden death of dear friends
Grant her rest and wellbeing in mind and spirit For a young woman recovering from serious illness and the sudden death of dear friends
Grant her rest and wellbeing in mind and spirit
Aug 29, 2024
Meh from US
Dear Lord
Please guide and help my son as new socials have begun this school year. Help all the friendships new and old to blossom. Amen
Dear Lord
Please guide and help my son as new socials have begun this school year. Help all the friendships new and old to blossom. Amen
Aug 29, 2024
VR from GB
For the healing of my son S. That no more blood or fluid will go to his brain and his brain and spine will be completely healed. Father , son and holy spirit please heal him.Mother Mary please intercede for him. Blessed be God forever and blessed be our holy mother amen. For the healing of my son S. That no more blood or fluid will go to his brain and his brain and spine will be completely healed. Father , son and holy spirit please heal him.Mother Mary please intercede for him. Blessed be God forever and blessed be our holy mother amen.
Aug 29, 2024
Sk from US
Dear Lord, I pray for the soul of my wonderful nephew, M, who passed away 5 years ago today. Please also give my sister strength to continue to cope with this tragic loss of her dear son. In Jesus name Amen. Dear Lord, I pray for the soul of my wonderful nephew, M, who passed away 5 years ago today. Please also give my sister strength to continue to cope with this tragic loss of her dear son. In Jesus name Amen.
Aug 29, 2024
Ajt from GB
Thankyou that B gout in knee is almost better please continue to pray for him that it doesnt return as his transfer from bed to wheelchair was so very painful. Thankyou that B gout in knee is almost better please continue to pray for him that it doesnt return as his transfer from bed to wheelchair was so very painful.
Aug 29, 2024
FK from US
Jesus I thank you for the many gifts and answered prayers for my family. I trust in you and thank you for your mercy and grace. Jesus please help my anxiety and feeling so tired and exhausted. Please help me and my daughter to feel better and give us the strength to deal with life. Jesus I thank you for the many gifts and answered prayers for my family. I trust in you and thank you for your mercy and grace. Jesus please help my anxiety and feeling so tired and exhausted. Please help me and my daughter to feel better and give us the strength to deal with life.
Aug 29, 2024
GB from US
Please pray for PV and IB that they can find away to cohabitate comfortably. That they can live together with respect for each others well being. Thank you. Please pray for those who have no one to pray for them this day.
Thank you. Please pray for PV and IB that they can find away to cohabitate comfortably. That they can live together with respect for each others well being. Thank you. Please pray for those who have no one to pray for them this day.
Thank you.
Aug 29, 2024
Meh from US
Dear Lord
Please watch over us this week.
Amen Dear Lord
Please watch over us this week.
Aug 29, 2024
EIG from PH
Dearest Lord, I pray for your mercy for us to overcome the obstacles we are facing this week, mainly financial hurdles. I know that you will not give me a problem that I can not solve. Please bless our company to overcome these. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Dearest Lord, I pray for your mercy for us to overcome the obstacles we are facing this week, mainly financial hurdles. I know that you will not give me a problem that I can not solve. Please bless our company to overcome these. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Aug 29, 2024
JF from US
I ask prayer for two friends who both are receiving treatment for cancer. They are R and F. Thank you so much for your love. I ask prayer for two friends who both are receiving treatment for cancer. They are R and F. Thank you so much for your love.
Aug 29, 2024
cb from US
That EVERYONE posting here may know that GOD is listening
to their prayers and GOD does provide miracles. TAKE HEART! That EVERYONE posting here may know that GOD is listening
to their prayers and GOD does provide miracles. TAKE HEART!
Aug 29, 2024
KB from US
Dear Jesus please let there be no disease in my body. Help me recover from this terrible anxiety. In your name all things are posssible. Amen Dear Jesus please let there be no disease in my body. Help me recover from this terrible anxiety. In your name all things are posssible. Amen
Aug 29, 2024
Pmm from IE
Dear God, please keep A and M safe today, tonight, while we’re away and always. I especially for M who is out tonight, protect him and keep them safe from any harm. I pray that they don’t drink too much, don’t do drugs or any risky behaviours and that they never end up incapacitated through their own or someone else’s actions. I pray that they are respectful, kind and caring to all they meet and that they are never in the wrong place at the wrong time. Keep them safe Lord and bring them home safe and sound. I pray to the Lord. Amen
Aug 29, 2024
KB from US
Dear Jesus let B’s blood pressure normalize. Amen Dear Jesus let B’s blood pressure normalize. Amen
Aug 26, 2024
KB from US
Dear Jesus please help me. Let there be no disease in my bones. In your name all things are possible. Amen Dear Jesus please help me. Let there be no disease in my bones. In your name all things are possible. Amen
Aug 26, 2024
BM from US
Heavenly Father, gentle Lord Jesus, gracious Holy Spirit, please guide M as she begins her studies this year. Strengthen her reliance in You Do not only strengthen her faith, but to help me and her worries and to give everything up to You. May our most Immaculate Mother Mary Be her guide along with Saint Gemma and St. Thomas Aquinas as she deals with her work and concerns every day. Amen. Heavenly Father, gentle Lord Jesus, gracious Holy Spirit, please guide M as she begins her studies this year. Strengthen her reliance in You Do not only strengthen her faith, but to help me and her worries and to give everything up to You. May our most Immaculate Mother Mary Be her guide along with Saint Gemma and St. Thomas Aquinas as she deals with her work and concerns every day. Amen.
Aug 26, 2024
KB from IE
Dear God, bless us all as we begin another school year. May the holy Spirit guide our work and ease our anxieties. I pray for teachers as well as parents and most importantly our pupils.
Amen Dear God, bless us all as we begin another school year. May the holy Spirit guide our work and ease our anxieties. I pray for teachers as well as parents and most importantly our pupils.
Aug 26, 2024
mm from US
Please protect me. Please bless jc..&t and strengthen their marriage..Keep them free from addictions .
Bless A as she begins her college journey..and bless all our children and grandchildren, please keep them safe from all predators. Amen Please protect me. Please bless jc..&t and strengthen their marriage..Keep them free from addictions .
Bless A as she begins her college journey..and bless all our children and grandchildren, please keep them safe from all predators. Amen
Aug 26, 2024
wb from US
That the C be miraculously conquered. That the C be miraculously conquered.
Aug 26, 2024

Showing 161 to 180 of 794 prayer intentions.

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